Members A-F
Addink | Henk | Professor of Administrative Law and Good Governance |
University of Utrecht | NL | web |
Agudo González | Jorge | Professor of Administrative Law | Autonomous University of Madrid | ES | web |
Akıncı | Müslüm | Head of Public Law Department | Kocaeli University | TR | web |
Alemanno | Alberto | Associate Professor of EU Law & Risk Regulation | HEC Paris | FR | web |
Allio | Lorenzo | Honorary Associate Research Fellow |
University of Exeter | CH | web |
Andrijauskaitė | Agnė | Research Associate | Vilnius University/German University of Administrative Siences Speyer | LT/DE | web |
Arena | Amedeo | Associate Professor of EU Law | Univesità degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" | IT | web |
Arroyo Jiménez | Luis | Professor of Administrative Law | University of Castilla-La Mancha | ES | web |
Arzoz | Xabier | Professor of Administrative and EU Law | University of the Basque Country | ES | |
Assis Raumundo | Miguel | Professor of Administrative Law and Public Procurement Law | University of Lisbon, School of Law | PT | web |
Athanasiadou |
Natassa |
Assistant Professor of EU law | University of Maastricht | NL | web |
Auby | Jean-Bernard | Professor of Public Law | Science Po Paris | FR | web |
Baber | Walter | Professor of Public Policy and Administration | California State University, Long Beach | USA | |
Bach-Golecka | Dobrochna | Associate Professor of European Law | University of Warsaw | PL | web |
Balan | Emil | Vice-Rector, Professor of Public Law, Administrative Law | National School of Poltical Studies and Public Administration | RO | |
Balthasar | Alexander |
Ministerialrat Visiting Professor |
Generial Secretariat, Bureau for State Organization and Administrative Lw Andrássy University Budapest |
Barabás | Gergely |
Assistant Lecturer |
Eötvös Loránd University Budapest |
HU |
Baran | Mariusz | Assitant in Chair on the Environmental Law | Jagiellonian University | PL | |
Bergström | Carl Fredrik | Professor of European Law | University of Uppsala | SV | web |
Berning Prieto | Antonio | PhD Researcher in Administrative Law | University of Palo de Olavide (Seville) | ES | |
Bermann | George | Professor | Columbia University New York | USA | web |
Birkinshaw | Patrick Joseph | Professor of Public Law, Barrister at Law | University of Hull | UK | web |
Bobek | Michal | Professor of European Law | College of Europe | BE | web |
Bončková | Helena | PhD Student | University of Luxembourg/ Masaryk University, Brno | LU/CZ | web |
Boros | Anita | Associate Professor | National University of Public Service - Faculty of Public Administration |
HU | |
Botman | Marleen | Assistant Professor | VU University Amsterdam | NL | web |
Bousta | Rhita | Permanent Lecturer in Public Law & Comparative Law | Université Lille 2 Droit et Santé | FR | web |
Braun Binder | Nadja | Professor of Public Law | University of Basel | CH | web |
van den Brink | Jacobine | Professor of Administrative Law | University of Amsterdam | NL | web |
Brito Bastos | Filipe | Post-Doctoral Researcher | University of Amsterdam | NL | |
Busuioc | Madalina | Post-Doctoral Researcher | University of Amsterdam | NL | web |
Cananea | Giacinto della | Professor of Italian and European Administrative Law | University of Rome | IT | |
Cani | Eralda | Professor of Administrative Law | University of Tirana | AL | web |
Caponi | Remo | Full Professor of Civil Procedure | University of Florence | IT | web |
Caranta | Roberto | Full Professor | Turin University | IT | web |
Carolan | Eoin | Lecturer in Law | University College Dublin | IE | web |
Cauffman | Caroline | Assistant Professor | Maastricht University/ University of Antwerp | NL/ BE | web |
Carullo | Gherardo | Researcher | University of Milan | IT | web |
Cavallo Perin | Roberto | Full Professor of Administrative Law | University of Turin | IT | web |
Cenerelli | Alessandro | Adjunct Professor | University of Milan | IT | web |
Christiansen | Thomas | Jean Monnet Professor of European Institutional Politics | Maastricht University | NL |
Cieślak |
Rafał | Assistant Professor | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration, Public Administration Research Unit | POL |
Circolo |
Andrea | Assistant Professor in EU Law | University of Naples 'Federico II' | IT | web |
Colombo | Carlo Maria | Lecturer | Maastricht University | NL | |
Conticelli | Martina | Associate Professor | Tor Vergata University | IT | web |
Craig | Paul | Professor of English Law | University of Oxford | UK | web |
Cucic | Vuk | Assistant Professor | University of Belgrade | UK | |
Curtin | Deirdre | Professor of European Law | University of Amsterdam | NL | web |
Custos | Dominique M. | Full Professor of Law | Université de Caen Normandie | FR | |
Dabek | Dorota | Assistant Professor at the Chair of Administrative Law | Jagiellonian University Krakow | PL | web |
Davies | Anne | Professor of Law and Public Policy | University of Oxford | UK | web |
De Lucia | Luca | Professor of Italian and European Administrative Law | University of Salerno | IT | web |
Deißler | Lena-Sophie | Research Fellow | University of Freiburg | DE | |
Díez Sastre | Silvia | Assistant Professor of Administrative Law | Autonomous University of Madrid | ES | |
Di Cristina | Fabio | Staff member of the Italian Minister of Economy and Finance | Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance | IT | web |
Di Mario | Alessandro | PhD | University of Turin | IT | |
Di Martino | Alessandro | PhD student | University of Naples Frederico II | IT | web |
Drago | Giuseppe | PhD | Bank of Italy | IT | |
Dragos | Dacian Cosmin | Associate Professor of Adminis-trative and European Law | Babes Bolyai University | RO | web |
Egger | Alexander | Dr. iur., Dr. phil., Lawyer | Lansky, Ganzger and Partner | AT | web |
Eliantonio | Mariolina | Professor of European Administrative Law and Procedure | Maastricht University | NL | |
Enquist | Lena | Assistant Professor of Administrative Law |
Umeå university |
SE | web |
Färkkilä | Heini | Doctoral Student | University of Helsinki | FI |
Fast Lappalainen | Katarina | Associate Professor in Public Law, Assistant Professor in Law & IT | Stockholm University | SE |
Fenger |
Niels | Professor of Administrative Law | University of Copenhagen | DA | web |
Ferčič | Aleš | Associate Professor | University of Maribor | SL | web |
Fernández Salmerón | Manuel | Professor of Administrative Law | University of Murcia | ES | |
Ferrari Zumbini | Angela | Assistant Professor of Administrative Law | University of Naples Federico II | IT | |
Fleischer | Anna | Junior Researcher | EUI Florence | IT | |
Fuch | Claudia | Assistant Professor of Austrian and European Public Law | Vienna University of Economics and Business | AT | web |
Fuentetaja | Jesús | Professor of Administrative Law | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid) | ES | web |
Führ | Martin | Prof. Dr. | University of Darmstadt, Society for International Analysis - sofia | DE | web |